What is Ear Candling?
Are you looking for the best & safest ear wax removal method? You may be worried that your ears are getting dusty, or you’ve noticed a build-up of wax. If you’re really concerned, you may be considering numerous ear-cleaning methods (cotton swabs, warm oil, & so on).
Wait before considering anything else. We at Sadhana Eyebrow Threading furnish you with one of the best ear cleanings method – Ear Candling.
Ear Candling practice has grown tremendously in popularity over the past 20 years. It is a practice you’ve no doubt heard of & one you’ve considered trying.
Let’s reveal the secrets of this prevalent & trendy remedy.

How our specialists do it & the mechanism behind Ear-Candling?
Ear candles(cones) are composed of cotton or linen & are soaked in wax & allowed to harden. Our well-experienced experts performing the treatment places the cone in your ear canal as you lay on your side. The cone is then lit on fire on the opposite end, & the burning cone is held in your ear for at least 10 minutes.
The idea is the burning cone will build up a suction that pulls out all the wax from your ear into the funnel itself, or at a minimum, it will melt the ear wax, making it more comfortable to get out of the canal. Once the procedure is over, our practitioner opens up the cone & show you a bunch of gunk the cone has supposedly collected from your ear. This therapy also pulls out other impurities & can alleviate sinus issues.
Our therapists at Sadhana Eye Threading believe that the smoke from the candle can dry out the ear canal & stimulate the body’s natural excretion of foreign bodies & wax through the ear.
Feel the benefits of Ear Candling at Sadhana Eyebrow Threading
Here are some of the key benefits of this procedure to remove facial hairs:
- Our clients’ opinions affirm that in addition to helping to clear out the ear, ear candling can also provide a shielding effect.
- Defenders suggest the procedure cleans & lubricates the inner ear, thereby protecting it from bacteria and fungus, and for those that suffer from wax, it can also help support the body’s natural cleansing system.
Many of our clients choose to use ear candles before a flight to clear the ear of any excess wax buildup. Other benefits for ear candling incorporate getting rid of noises ringing in the ears, tackling hearing impairment, relaxing the body when stressed, and stimulating local & reflex energy flow.
If you still have any queries about the Ear Candling process or would like to set up an appointment, contact Sadhana Eyebrow Threading today!